
My Mother at Sixty six central idea

My Mother at Sixty six central idea

My Mother at Sixty six central idea

Give the Central Idea of the poem ‘My Mother at Sixty-six’.

Central Idea of the poem ‘My Mother at Sixty-six’ :-

The central point of this poem is the poetess’ fear of loosing her mother. This poem starts with the journey of the poetess with her mother to Cochin on the morning of last Friday. While the poetess and her mother were going in a car, the poetess noticed her mother sitting beside her. She (mother) was dozing, her mouth was opened and her face was ashen like that of a corpse. To see her, the poetess realised that her mother had grew old and she would pass away very soon. The poetess gets scared of this thought. So to come out of this negative thought, she looked outside of the car. The world outside was full of life and activity. The young trees seemed running fast and children looked happy. When the poetess and her mother were airport, they had to undergo a security check. There the poetess was standing a few yards away from her mother. She looked again at her old mother. She felt pained to look at the colorless, lifeless and pale face of her mother. But hiding her tears, she said, “See you soon Amma.”

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