
Transformation of Sentences – How remove ‘too’ from given sentences

Transformation of Sentences – How remove ‘too’ from given sentences

Transformation of Sentences - How remove 'too' from given sentences

Adverb ‘too’ (अत्याधिक) को हटाकर वाक्य का रूप परिवर्तन :-

बहुत सारे वाक्यों में Adverb ‘too’ हमें देखने को मिल जाता है, ऐसे वाक्यों को हम दो भागों में बांट सकते हैं –
1. Subject + is/am/are/was/were + too + adjective + infinitive (to +V1) + …..
Example – He is too weak to fight with Ravi.
2. Subject + is/am/are/was/were + too + adjective + …..
Example – The tea is too hat.

Subject + is/am/are/was/were + too + adjective + infinitive (to +V1) + ….. वाले वाक्यों से adverb ‘too’ को remove करनें का नियम :-

Rule – 1  यदि दिए हुए sentence का रूप निम्न प्रकार से हो तो ‘too’ को Remove हम निम्न प्रकार से करते हैं –

Question – Subject + is/am/are/was/were + too + adjective + infinitive (to +V1) + ..

Answer –  Subject + is/am/are/was/were + so + adjective + that + subject (पहले clause के अनुसार) + can/could + not + V1+ …..

Examples :-

(i) Ravi was too fat to run in the race.
Ans. Ravi was so fat that he could not run in the race.
(ii) My sister is too weak to fight with her friend.
Ans. My sister is so weak that she can not fight with her friend.

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Rule – 2  यदि दिए हुए sentence का रूप निम्न प्रकार से हो तो ‘too’ को Remove हम निम्न प्रकार से करते हैं –

Question – Subject + is/am/are/was/were + too + adjective + not + infinitive (to + V1) + …

Ans.  Subject + is /am /are /was/ were + so + adjective + that + subject + can/ could + V1+ ….

Examples :-

(i) Mohan and Shyam are too intelligent not to solve this question.
Ans. Mohan and Shyam are so intelligent that they can solve this question.
(ii) Ravi was to strong not to win the fight.
Ans. Ravi is so strong that he could win the fight.

Rule – 3 यदि दिए हुए sentence का रूप निम्न प्रकार से हो तो ‘too’ को Remove हम निम्न प्रकार से करते हैं –

Question – Subject (lifeless) + is/ am/ are/ was/ were + too + adjective + for + objective form of personal pronoun + to + V1 + …….

Answer – Subject + is/ am/ are/ was/ were + so + adjective + that + subjective from of personal pronoun + can/could + not + V1 + ……

Examples –
Question – This tea is too hot for me to drink.
Answer – This tea is so hot that I can not drink.

Question – This book was too difficult for him to read. 

Answer – This book was so difficult that he could not read. 

Rule – 4 यदि दिए हुए sentence का रूप निम्न प्रकार से हो तो ‘too’ को Remove हम निम्न प्रकार से करते हैं –

Question – Subject ( lifeless) + is /am /are/ was/ were + too + adjective + to + V1 +..

Answer – Subject + is / am/ are/ was/ were + so + adjective + that + one + can /could + not + V1 + …….  (Active Voice में) 


Answer – Subject + is / am/ are/ was/ were + so + adjective + that + it + can /could + not + be + V3 + …….  (Passive Voice में) 

Examples –
Question – This question is too difficult to solve.
Answer – This question is so difficult that one can not solve.


Answer – This question is so difficult that it can not be solved. 

Question – It is never too late to learn .
Answer – It is never so late that one can not learn.


Answer – It is never so late that it can not be learnt.

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Subject + is/ am/ are / was/ were + too + adjective + वाले वाक्यों से adverb ‘too’ को remove करने का नियम :-

Question – Subject + is/ am/ are/ was/ were + too + adjective + …..
Answer – Sub+ is /am /are/ was /were + over + adjective + ….
Subject + is/ am/ are/ was/ were + extremely + adjective + ….
Subject + is/ am/ are/ was/ were + adjective + beyond the proper limit.

Examples –
Question – The weather was too hot yesterday.
Answer – The weather was extremely hot yesterday.


The weather was over hot yesterday. 


The weather was hot beyond the proper limit yesterday. 

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